A little of this and a little of that--what I see or feel or something that really strikes me. Or quite simply, a place to reflect.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The biggest mushroom yet!
Because you've been so patient through my family pictures, I thought it was time to show you yet another mushroom Brownie and I ran across on our walk here in town a few weeks ago. It caught my eye and, like many of the other mushrooms we've seen, I couldn't look away. This one was the size of a small frisbee (or a big saucer if you don't know how big a small frisbee is). Love the way it snakes out of the log and curves up. I also love how it is relatively flat and smooth on top. Very interesting....and also beautiful?
I grew up in a small community in Oklahoma. The sunrises and sunsets out there are truly spectacular since it is relatively flat and you can do a 360 and see the whole sky. However, living in the city has its advantages including Wal-Mart and just about any kind of restaurant (fast food or otherwise) that you'd have a craving for. But sometimes, I long for the wide open spaces and the feeling that I am truly alone with God and all his focus at that moment is only on me (because I'm the only one around for miles). Silly, I know, but you are reading the blog of a girl who once played tag with God (literally). We both laughed. I want to live free from fear. I want to try to do the things I have on my heart to do because I really don't want to leave the planet dissatisfied with myself. Who knows how much more I can do if I just have the courage and strength to try?
"I think most people can do a whole awful lot more if they just try. They just don't have the confidence that they can write a novel or they can write poetry or they can take pictures or paint or whatever, and so they don't do it, and they leave the planet dissatisfied with themselves." --Gordon Parks
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