Friday, April 25, 2008

Squirrel on a tree stump

We have a lot of squirrels in the area. This one froze on the stump when he saw Brownie and I coming. I thought he'd move when we got close, but he didn't. I guess he thought we wouldn't see him if he didn't move. Cute little fellow (definitely a boy).

My sister came over to pick me up to go shopping yesterday (we had lots of fun) and we saw a squirrel scampering up the side of my house with a nut. We watched him scamper back down with the nut in his mouth and walk in front of her car and pause in front of my open garage door. Janee and I both held our breaths (and I was thinking "Please, don't go in my garage, please don't go in my garage") as he peered into the garage for a few seconds, then he scampered off and up the side of the neighbors house. I was relieved that I didn't have to try to chase him out of my garage. It was a close call.

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