Saturday, June 19, 2010

Indian Paintbrush Flowers

We went home over Memorial Day weekend (and I went again last week, but I'll get to that one later). The sides of the roads are covered with these beautiful little Indian Paintbrush flowers. I don't recall seeing such beautiful colors alongside the roads for many years, but due to them getting higher than usual rainfall, these flowers have came back in abundance.

Brownie's little cousin invited her over to play in the flowers so we could get pictures of them. They seemed to really enjoy each other as Brownie would just keep bringing him the ball to throw and he would smile and throw it for her (with her taking little rest breaks in between the throwing).

These flowers mixed with the other native wildflowers really are quite stunning together with all their reds, yellows, and purples mixed in with the green grasses. I'm not sure I've quite captured their beauty, but these were taken near sunset and were still quite beautiful in their wildness.

I loved how this picture makes you want to walk through these beautiful flowers and step into the light. It beckons and draws me and and makes me feel as if heaven were only one step away and I want to step on in and just be absorbed by all that love and light and life.

I saw two packets of Indian paintbrush seeds sitting on the hutch, so before I left I asked Mom if I could have one. She said Brynna (my 4 year old niece) wanted one and Mom let me have the other. I poked a few seeds into a pot the morning after I got home and I'm now seeing some little green leaves poke through the soil! I hope to have my own beautiful Indian Paintbrushes on my patio to remind me of home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are Indian Blanket Flowers; Gaillardia.