Monday, October 25, 2010

Little Fall Mushroom

I was really delighted to run into this cute little Fall mushroom on our walk this morning. Will this be the last one I see this year? It won't be the last one I post as I still have several summer mushrooms waiting to make their debut.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pole with glasses

The other consistent thing for Brownie and I is to go for our walks. The weather is finally nice enough to actually enjoy our walk (and not sweat). We saw these on our walk a few days ago. I'm still amazed by what we see outside. Glasses. Really?? Did someone really take off their glasses, which they need to see, and leave them somewhere on the trail? I can picture a good samaritan putting them on this pole where they would hopefully be visible for whomever left them (if they can see to find them...). Plus, they just look kind of funny there on the pole like the pole is watching (and now seeing) everyone who walks by.

My first gallery show!

And now for some good news... I just had my first gallery show! I'm currently in an exhibit entitled "Off the Wall" at the Savage Art Gallery in Tulsa. The opening was on Thursday night (the 14th) and the show will run through October 29th. I am very excited as this is the direction I have wanted to go and to see it becoming reality is so wonderful.

Mom and Grandma came up to support me and to have them with me to walk in to my first gallery show was so meaningful to me. My sister, husband, and cousin also came to support me and it meant so much to me to have the support of my family on such a special day. I guess I've been underplaying my excitement because after coming home from the opening, I crashed. I must have had alot of adrenaline going while there and then wham, I was so exhausted.

I'll go by the gallery to pick up my paintings on the 30th and I'm hoping I'll be minus a few. I'm not sure where my next step will take me, but I'm moving in the right direction and I am thankful and excited to finally see some of my dreams become reality.

Art in the Square 10/2/10

Well, I did it to you again. I left you hanging for a few weeks waiting for a post from me and it just didn't happen. Seems like every time I get real busy, something has to give and for me, it is my blog (and also Frontierville). The only thing I do, even when I'm real busy, is play Zynga's Mafia Wars. I love that game. Probably because it doesn't involve using every single one of my fingers (and thumbs) poking various odd little buttons in sequences only savants can recall. This simply involves poking a button. I can poke a button all day long.

These pictures are from our booth at Art in the Square. It turned out to be a beautiful day and we had so many people coming through our booth (only in part because we set it up so people had to walk through our booth). We had a lot of sales (including the last 3 bird paintings I had painted) and it was our best show ever.