Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Butterflies and Bald Eagles

I really love butterflies. I consider them my personal symbol of freedom and hope. I've seen so many beautiful ones this summer-orange, brown, yellow, blue, white, and lavender!! I'll continue to share the ones that pause long enough to get their picture taken, but.... I've had one land in the middle of my chest this week and sit there for a few seconds before flying away. I kind of needed it. Every once in a while (okay, daily), I need a reminder that God is with me and everything is in his hands (I am in his hands) and I just don't need to worry about anything. I can live free, like the butterfly.

This morning as we were getting out of our vehicle to start our walk, there was a gorgeous bald eagle flying in this big beautiful circle right over the spot where we start our walk. I just watched him and thought how majestic the eagle is. Then I was reminded of the verse that says they who wait up on the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. I kind of needed that, too. Life sometimes has a little drama, or just daily living, that leaves one tired and in need of that kind of strength and renewal. I can count on one hand how many bald eagles I've seen and to have seen one this morning tells me that everything will be okay.

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